Legislative Committee
Purpose: To solicit, identify, monitor and analyze legislative issues impacting the industry and to recommend appropriate legislative strategies for Board consideration.
John Dillard | Monroe Telephone | (541) 847-5135 |
Jessica Epley | Ziply Fiber | (503) 431-0458 |
Paul Hauer | Beaver Creek Cooperative Telephone | (503) 632-3113 |
Jay Henke | Clear Creek Communications | (503) 631-2101 |
Erik Hoefer | Stayton Cooperative Telephone Company | (503) 769-4624 |
Rusti Lattin | Eagle Telephone System, Inc. | (541) 893-6111 |
Derrick Mottern | Scio Mutual Telephone Association | (503) 394-3366 |
Rick Petersen | PEAK Internet, LLC | (541) 754-7325 |
Jim Rennard | Pioneer Connect | (541) 929.8256 |
Jeffry Smith | GVNW Consulting, Inc. | (503) 612-4400 |
Todd Way | Douglas Fast Net | (541) 673-4242 |
Brooke Wheeler | Cascade Utilities, Inc. / Reliance Connects | (503) 630-4202 |
Renee Willer | DataVision Cooperative | (503) 792-5500 |
Brant Wolf | OTA | (503) 581-7430 |